Have you ever heard the statement 'Death Begins in the Colon?' Because there are so many deaths attributed to bowel problems it is believed that the colon is where most diseases begin.
I believe a truer statement would be, 'The foundation of all disease begins in the mind'. Each of us are a product of our education, our belief system and our practices. If someone lacks proper education and understanding as to how the body works and the care it needs it will be impossible to know what to give it to function optimally. If someone believes that the body is so resilient that it matters not what they eat, they will then serve their taste and follow unhealthful practices and through this means destroy the health. The health of the bowel is determined by what you eat and drink, how much physical activity you get on a daily basis, how much water you consume, what the state of you colon bacteria is, and how much rest you are getting. When there is a breakdown in any of these areas the organs of elimination (skin, lungs, bowels, kidney, liver) are not able to function optimally. God designed these organs to be in constant operation removing toxins from the body that cause disease. Leviticus 17:11 says, "For the life of the flesh is in the blood..." If the blood is clean and healthy you will be as well. If the blood is impure and sluggish you will also be sluggish. Although the skin is the largest organ of elimination, it is the bowel that primarily affects the health of the blood. If you are neglecting healthful living it almost always affects the bowel in some way. It is important that everyone be acquainted with their bowel and how it functions and what it needs to move correctly and be healthy. Our colons were designed to handle three meals per day. This is obvious from its anatomy, which consist of the ascending, transverse, and descending colon, three compartments. When you overeat, eat snacks between meals, or eat things that are not clean, you are asking for trouble. If you have more bowel movements per day than meals you are consuming you are constipated. If you eat three meals a day but only have one bowel movement per day, you are constipated. Irregular bowel habits set the stage for constipation, brain fog, acidity, polyps, arthritis, colitis, cancer, autoimmune disease, allergies, Crohn's disease, thyroid disease, PMS, emotional issues, gastro-intestinal disorders, hair loss, irritable bowel syndrome, candida, eczema, obesity, and the list goes on. When the bowel is not eliminating "properly" and is retaining waste, the toxins are being re-absorbed into the bloodstream. The bloodstream touches and affects every organ of the body in some way, so therefore every organ is only as clean as the bowel function allows it to be. A clean efficient bowel will lead to clean organs, and a healthy mind. One of the most important things you can do to help your bowel to eliminate its waste, it to P.A.N.I.C. - "Promptly Answer Nature's Immediate Call". As soon as you get the urge to go...go! If you hold it until it is more convenient, you are training your bowel to retain its waste and to recirculate its bi-products through the blood. Also, there are delicate nerves at the end of you bowel that alert you when it is time to go, if you refuse to respond, they will silence their voice. Commit to never miss a bowel movement for one day. It would be better to have an enema that to allow waste to be retained. If you eat your meals at the same time every day, your bowels will empty at the same time everyday and there will be no surprises. Water is very important to keep things moving and to flush out toxins. Most us of don't get enough water nor do we drink it properly where it really benefits our body (sipping throughout the day, not gulping). You probably have heard it said that you should drink half of your body weight in ounces, and that is true. However, that is the minimum amount of water that is needed to keep your body functioning. When it is hot out, or you are talking a lot, or exercising, you need more than your minimum because you are losing a lot of water through the pores of your skin and your breath. If you are in a constant state of dehydration, water that is needed for the body, and the brain will be pulled from the colon, and other organs and contribute to constipation. Fiber is a must for a healthy bowel and body. At each meal you should start with your raw foods before your cooked foods, and consume at least three to five servings of living food per meal (fruits and vegetables). Fiber not only keeps things moving, but it carries out cholesterol, as it binds to the fiber, it also binds colon toxins and carries them out. You can add fiber to your diet by sprinkling psyllium seed powder, flaxseed powder, oat bran, or pectin on to your food, or adding them to juice or smoothies. Reduce or eliminate bread, pastas, and refined foods which clog the colon. For those in foreign countries who eat things that are gummy or gooey (fufu, kenkey, banku,) reduce or eliminate these as well. White bread should be avoided as much as possible because it lacks the wheat germ; the life of the bread, and its fiber. Increase your exercise. Exercise increases the tone of the bowel through active movement and bouncing. Bouncing on a mini trampoline is the next best thing to walking or jogging on the street for toning the bowel. Exercise increases the peristaltic activity in the colon and promotes fuller and regular bowel movements. Stress is killing people every day. It does untold damage to the body. In some people are living with so much stress that they accept it as something that is normal, but it is far from normal. When you get to this point it can go unrecognized until disease strikes. You should never eat when you are stressed or upset, it causes constriction of the digestive system and hinders digestion, absorption and elimination. Try to live in such a way to reduce and ultimately eliminate stress. Relax. Sleep at least eight hours each night, and if you are ill sleep nine hours. The body as well as the bowel needs rest. The liver works at night and in order for it to do its work properly you need sleep. Do not eat late at night or the detoxification process during the night it interrupted. Education, investment and being proactive about your health is the only way to secure it.
An article appeared in the January-February 2017 AARP Bulletin, talking about aging. A conversation was held with Elizabeth Blackburn, president of the Salk Institute and a noble prize winner for her work on aging. The topic, Telomeres.
What is a Telomere? A chromosome is a long strand of DNA, this is where all our genetic material is packaged. At the end of a chromosome is a telomere, which are the protective caps on the ends of your DNA strands which act as bookends. They protect chromosomes and prevent them from fusing into rings or binding with other DNA. They can tend to shorten and fray with age due to their role in cell division. Every time a cell divides the DNA unwraps and some of the information in the DNA is duplicated. When it is finished dividing it comes back together but the telomeres wear down and lose a little bit of length just like a pencil eraser each time this process happens. Cells can actually stop replicating when telomeres become too short. This is known as "cell senescence", which is said to be the cellular equivalent to aging. This inability to stop replicating has the potential to cause numerous health problems; cancer being one of them. God designed the body in such a way to keep it in health by cells replicating and dying. If cells stop dying but keep replicating there is now an imbalance in the system because there are too many of one kind of cell. These groups of cells form tumors. What Elizabeth Blackburn and her colleagues discovered is an enzyme, telomerase, that adds back DNA to the end caps as they wear down. They stated that the better your telomeres are protected, the less chance you have of getting any of the big diseases. How to Stop the Erosion Relax! Stress has been found to cause damage to the telomeres, and the more stress, the more the telomeres wear down. One of the best ways to eliminate stress is exercise! However, they found it is best to do a variety of exercises opposed to the same thing every day. The greater the variety of exercises, the better results.
"And Moses was an hundred and twenty years old when he died: his eye was not dim, nor his natural force abated." Deut. 34:7 Garlic's medicinal value is largely due to its highly volatile essential oil containing allium, also referred to as allicin. When garlic is absorbed into the digestive track, it circulates through the blood stream and is excreted mainly by being blown off through the lungs which leaves its odor on the breath. Even when rubbing garlic oil on the feet it will be carried through the lungs and leave its calling card on the breath.
The virtues of garlic are so wide-ranging and impressive that it might be thought that they were invented to fulfill an impossible dream. Nevertheless, they are constantly being confirmed by modern medical research throughout the world as the establishment becomes more and more fascinated by this humble and maligned plant. It is its various effects on the health and constitution of the blood stream that are probably the most valuable. We will just look at at few of its anti-toxic effects.
Since the effects of infection reach far beyond the gastrointestinal tract, we need to be on the alert for the wide array of bodily symptoms that signal the presence of parasites. Signs and symptoms may come about during initial exposure, shortly after that exposure, or many months later.
While many of our unexpected visitors may be invisible, their symptoms can be very apparent. For this reason, parasitic infections are often misdiagnosed and ensuing treatment does not result in the alleviation of symptoms or disease. The following are warning signs for parasites: constipation, diarrhea, gas and bloating, irritable bowel syndrome, joint and muscle aches and pains, anemia, allergy, skin conditions, granulomas, nervousness, sleep disturbances, teeth grinding, chronic fatigue, and immune dysfunction. Signs and Symptoms CONSTIPATION: Some worms, because of their shape and large size can physically obstruct certain organs. Heavy worm infections can block the common bile duct and the intestinal tract, making elimination infrequent and difficult. DIARRHEA: Certain parasites, primarily protozoa, produce a prostaglandin (hormonelike substances found in various human tissues) which creates a sodium and chloride loss that leads to frequent watery stools. The diarrhea process in parasite infection is, therefore, a function of the parasite, not the body’s attempt to rid itself of an infectious organism. GAS AND BLOATING: Some parasites live in the upper small intestine where the inflammation they produce causes both gas and bloating. This situation can be magnified when hard-to-digest foods such as beans and raw fruits and vegetables are eaten. Persistent abdominal distention is a frequent sign of hidden invaders. These gastrointestinal symptoms can persist intermittently for many months or years if the parasites are not eliminated from the body. IRRITABLE BOWEL SYNDROME: Parasites can irritate, inflame, and coat the intestinal cell wall, leading to a variety of gastrointestinal symptoms and malabsorption of vital nutrients, particularly fatty and steatorrhea (excess fat in feces). JOINT AND MUSCLE ACHES AND PAINS: Parasites are known to migrate and encyst (become enclosed in a sac) in joint fluids, and worms can encyst in muscles. Once this happens, pain becomes evident and is often assumed to be caused by arthritis. Joint and muscle pains and inflammation are also the result of tissue damage caused by some parasites or the body’s ongoing immune response to their presence. This list can go on and on, hopefully you are getting the picture. Parasites can also infest the skin, as with scabies and lice, or can enter the bloodstream through insect bites, as with malaria and yellow fever parasites. They can also deplete the body of essential nutrients, taxing and overwhelming the immune system, which can lead to serious illness and even death. ANEMIA: Some varieties of intestinal worms attach themselves to the mucosal lining of the intestines and then leach nutrients from the human host. If they are present in large enough numbers, they can create enough blood loss to cause a type of iron deficiency or pernicious anemia. ALLERGY: Parasites can irritate and sometimes perforate the intestinal lining, increasing bowel permeability to large undigested molecules. This can activate the body’s immune response to produce increased levels of eosinophils, one type of the body’s fighter cells. The eosinophils can inflame body tissue, resulting in an allergic reaction. Like allergy, parasites also trigger an increase in the production of immunoglobulin E (IgE). SKIN CONDITIONS: Intestinal worms can cause hives, rashes, weeping eczema, and other allergic-type skin reactions. Cutaneous ulcers, swellings and sores, papular lesions, and itchy dermatitis can all result from protozoan invasion. GRANULOMAS: Granulomas are tumor-like masses that encase destroyed larva or parasitic eggs. They also develop most often in the colon or rectal walls but can also be found in the lungs, liver, peritoneum, and uterus. NERVOUSNESS: Parasitic metabolic wastes and toxic substances can serve as irritants to the central nervous system. Restlessness and anxiety are often the result often the result of systemic parasite infestation. SLEEP DISTURBANCES: Multiple awakenings during the night, particularly between 2 and 3 A.M., are possibly caused by the body’s attempts to eliminate toxic waste via the liver. According to Chinese medicine, these hours are governed by the liver. Sleep disturbances are also caused by nocturnal exits of certain parasites through the anus, creating intense discomfort and itching. TEETH GRINDING: Bruxism—abnormal grinding, clenching, and gnashing of the teeth—has been observed in cases of parasitic infection. These symptoms are most noticeable among sleeping children. Bruxism may be a nervous response to the internal foreign irritant. It is interesting to note that in the medical literature, the etiology of bruxism remains controversial. IMMUNE DYSFUNCTION: Parasites depress immune system functioning by decreasing the secretion of immunoglobulin A (IgA). Their presence continuously stimulates the immune system response and over time can exhaust this vital defense system, leaving the body open to bacterial and viral infections. Because the signs and symptoms of intestinal parasitic infections are often vague and confusing and because many physicians in this country are not familiar with them, a victim can suffer for weeks or months and undergo many needless tests and treatments before the proper diagnosis is made. Therefore if you are suffering any of the above symptoms take care to consider whether or not you are harboring microscopic single-celled protozans or worms. |
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