Feed the Hungry - Food Program
"He shall feed His flock like a shepherd." Isaiah 40:11
Feed the Hungry food program was started after learning that church members and their children were struggling to eat and would sometimes go without food for days. Here in America we have excess when it comes to food, and what we throw away would satisfy these hungry brothers and sisters and bring a smile to their face. We take a church fellowship meal for granted, but it is something they cannot afford to do. "Feed the Hungry" food program helps to supply a free meal to the church members once per month. We are endeavoring to do it at the two of the churches we built and have been trying to nurture, Akaporiso and Sefwi Bekwai. We try to provide a meal for them once or twice a month so they have something to look forward to. We are praying for a few people who would like to get involved with this program to help us so they don't have to go home hungry. If you or someone you know would like to provide a meal, it cost $50 to feed approximately 30 members. God bless you, and thank you in advance.